Monday, November 06, 2006

“Mmmmmmmmm…… what am I going to do today…….”

I can’t remember when I said that for the last time. IF I ever said that…

I need a bigger office and don’t have enough space in my living room to extend it.
Renting another place is simply not an option. Well, not yet. Maybe when my neighbour will move to another place, but she is so nice. I don't want her to move.

Not enough garden to extend the living room but I do have a top floor which is currently in use for unwanted items or those without an immediate need for use.

Although I am not a horder, over the past years I gathered more items then I wished to. It is time for a clean out. I know, most people feel this need during Spring. Not me, I am an Autumn cleaner. I definitely feel a need to nestle when the days get shorter. I would thrive in the Scandinavian countries with their long dark winters.
Time to get my top floor in order, to insolate it (a very old fashioned little house), to paint the beams in a sunny yellow, the slope roof in white and the wooden floor in mahogany.

I am going to divide the top floor in two parts and the back part is going to be my new bedroom. It will even be bigger then my current bedroom which is on the ground floor.

I have promised myself to finish it before Christmas. In January I am going to change my “old” bedroom into an office. 3 Times more space then I have now and I can shut the door behind me when I take time off work!

Moving the office is less work then “building” a bedroom so somewhere half way January I am updating my blogs from a real office :-)

At the end of January my living room will be redecorated and back to normal. It is nice to start from “scratch” but it is even nicer to have a separate office!

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